Why Uploading Your Music Online Doesn’t Get You Tons Of New Fans
Getting new music fans requires more than just uploading your music to common musician websites. Here’s what to do:
First, understand that there is more to gaining fans that simply uploading music online and waiting for people to listen to it. This is one of the most common approaches people use, and it rarely helps them grow a fanbase.
Growing a fan base is about not only getting people to listen to your music but gaining their e-mail address and other contact information so you can easily update them about what is going on in your career. Having a database full of your fan’s contact information is crucial for getting them to notice when you release something new. Without this, some of your fans won’t even know and may never bother to look for your music again.
Get your fans’ contact info by creating a website specifically for your band/music (not by just making a Facebook page or uploading to a website like Soundcloud). Then come up with something special and interesting to offer them and create newsletter where they can get it by signing up using their contact info. This gives a strong reason to exchange this info with you rather than you just asking for it.
Once you’ve grown a large database of your fans, you now possess the ability to direct them to your new albums, merchandise or any other products you want them to check out. This makes it much easier to earn a living through music. Plus, having a database like this shows other people who work in the music industry that you are serious about what you do. This increases your value in their eyes and gives them incentive to want to do business with you in the future.
Of course, this is just ONE basic approach to help you begin creating a larger fan base for your music. There countless others and working with an experienced music career mentor is the best way to quickly get more fans using a variety of other approaches.
Interested in learning about other methods for growing a fan base? Check out this music career training article to learn powerful ideas for promoting your music and attracting new fans.
About The Author:
Tom Hess is a recording artist, composer and a touring musician. Tom also mentors and coaches musicians worldwide to make it in the music industry. Go to his musician development site to get free music industry advice and learn more about the music industry.